Homeopathy vs Allopathic medicine treatment

- Dr.Devendra Kumar Munta MD(Homeo)
Homeopathic principles teaches us How to select similar Homeopathic remedy for diseased individual even if you know nothing about the diagnosis of the disease. That means Homeopath can cure the disease without knowing the diagnosis of disease. If you know the symptoms of the suffering patient you can guess the remedy. Some times this helps in Diagnosis of the disease without massive laboratory procedures.
Homoeopathy advantage
Homeopathy Advantage
For example, A patient came for consultation with symptoms of Chest pain, breathing when aggravation of pain, with thirst for large quantity of water at longer intervals. This information may not useful for allopathic physician. But our Homeopathic doctor can easily guess the remedy which is BRYONIA. Based on the remedy diagnosis he can come to conclusion that the underlying disease will be PLUERASY.(Accumulation of fluid in pluera of lungs.). This is the great advantage of Homeopathic Knowledge over Allopathic System. For an allopath he has to depend on X-RAY,Complete blood picture to make diagnosis of disease, because he will not give any importance to the symptom 'Thirst for Large quantities of water'. Coming to treatment part Homeopathic doctor simply use BYONIA 200c a dose, just 3 or 4 pills of freshly medicated. Patient will have few sneezing s after Bryonia 200c and then the accumulated pleuritic fluid will come out from plueral layers. Patient will be free from chest pain. which is experienced in many cases.
But allopathic mode of treatment in the same case will be different. Physician has to aspirate fluid from the lung layers with the help of needle. This is a painful procedure. Again he has to use antibiotics and painkillers, this is another torture for the patient. But our Homeopathy teaches us a simple and straight way to cure the disease, Is it not the advantage of Homeopathic system?

Here We don't  know the exact mechanism How Homeopathy works. But its strong Natural Principles guiding us to treat the disease in a simple and systematic way. Strictly speaking allopaths also don't know How Allopathic Medicine exactly worked, things all depends on Observation and experience.


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